Tips for Coping with Loneliness
The truth of loneliness is that it can affect anyone, no matter what age, at any point in life. Feelings of loneliness can be attributed to numerous different factors, and can affect both your emotional and physical health long-term. The sheer number of adults in the...
The Link Between Depression and Dementia
Depression and dementia are two separate conditions that can occur independently, but there is some evidence to suggest that they may be related. Depression is a common mental health condition that can affect a person’s mood, behavior, and overall well-being. It...
Insomnia and Our Mental Health
”The best cure for insomnia, is sleep.” (W.C. Fields) If it were only that simple. Sleep has a stigma associated with it, perhaps several stigmas. We reward or envy those who only “need” 4 hours of sleep to function. We celebrate “pulling an all-nighter”...
Ketamine Therapy Essential Service During COVID-19 Pandemic
It goes without saying that COVID-19 is on the minds of nearly every American. The societal and economic disruption is almost without precedent. As government officials and clinicians wrestle with issues of how to protect the public, there seem to be more questions than answers. The mental health effects of COVID-19 are as important to address as are the physical health effects. Social isolation, school closures, lack of structure, financial difficulties, and unemployment are among the many stressors related to COVID-19 that have significant impacts on mental well-being.

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