Beat the Heat This Summer and Rehydrate

Beat the Heat This Summer and Rehydrate

Summer is upon us, and as the temperature soars, it's crucial to prioritize hydration to keep our bodies functioning optimally. Dehydration can lead to a host of health issues and hinder our ability to enjoy summer activities to the fullest. Thankfully, at Spring...

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Common Uses for Ketamine Infusions

Common Uses for Ketamine Infusions

Chances are you’ve heard about ketamine infusions. You may have read that they are being increasingly used in the treatment of mental health. Or you may have heard that they can help people dealing with chronic pain. Both of these things are true, but there’s a lot...

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The Fight for Positive Mental Health

The Fight for Positive Mental Health

Maintaining positive mental health while dealing with depression may seem like an impossible task. However, when you’re feeling your lowest, tapping into some helpful habits and tools can make the path back to a more resilient mental state happen with ease and make...

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NAD+: What is it and is it Right for You?

NAD+: What is it and is it Right for You?

Chronic pain and progressive diseases can take a heavy toll on your physical health and learning to live with severe pain in your daily life isn’t a path anyone wants to take. Because of the complex ways pain announces itself in our bodies, it can be a tricky symptom...

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Tips for Coping with Loneliness

Tips for Coping with Loneliness

The truth of loneliness is that it can affect anyone, no matter what age, at any point in life. Feelings of loneliness can be attributed to numerous different factors, and can affect both your emotional and physical health long-term. The sheer number of adults in the...

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Insomnia and Our Mental Health

Insomnia and Our Mental Health

”The best cure for insomnia, is sleep.” (W.C. Fields) If it were only that simple. Sleep has a stigma associated with it, perhaps several stigmas.  We reward or envy those who only “need” 4 hours of sleep to function.  We celebrate “pulling an all-nighter”...

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Ketamine Therapy Essential Service During COVID-19 Pandemic

Ketamine Therapy Essential Service During COVID-19 Pandemic

It goes without saying that COVID-19 is on the minds of nearly every American. The societal and economic disruption is almost without precedent. As government officials and clinicians wrestle with issues of how to protect the public, there seem to be more questions than answers. The mental health effects of COVID-19 are as important to address as are the physical health effects. Social isolation, school closures, lack of structure, financial difficulties, and unemployment are among the many stressors related to COVID-19 that have significant impacts on mental well-being.

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Anxiety Treatments With Ketamine

Anxiety Treatments With Ketamine

About Anxiety Anxiety and anxiety treatments are a hot topic among social media. This is not surprising considering anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults in the United States each year. Sadly, less than 40% receive anxiety treatment, according to the ADAA...

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The Stigma of Mental Illness

The Stigma of Mental Illness

What does mental illness look like? Is it the man standing on the street corner talking to himself? Is it the woman huddled on the couch all day, or the prisoner pacing his small cell? Let us refocus. What if it is your extroverted coworker, or your son’s energetic...

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Ketamine for Chronic Pain

Ketamine for Chronic Pain

Ketamine is well known for decades to relieve acute pain in the emergency room, operating room, on the battlefield and in the burn unit.  Now, scientists are explaining how it helps with chronic neuropathic pain. Neuropathic pain is essentially pain that arises from a...

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A Novel Approach to Suicidal Thoughts

A Novel Approach to Suicidal Thoughts

There is an urgent need to treat those suffering from suicidal thoughts and attempts.  The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention provides up-to-date, startling statistics for the US and individual states. Reported annual completed suicides now hover at over...

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PTSD: How Ketamine Therapy Can Help

PTSD: How Ketamine Therapy Can Help

“More than 70% of adults worldwide experience a traumatic event at some time in their lives, and 31% experience four or more events.” Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occurs anywhere from 1.3% to 12.2% in a lifetime. This depends on the country and people that...

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What Is Ketamine Infusion Therapy?

What Is Ketamine Infusion Therapy?

The burden of depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, and suicide are extreme and well documented. The National Institute of Health predicts depression will be the 2nd leading cause of disability in Western nations in the next 20 years. Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of...

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